Learnings from Human Body for Success & Harmony in Business

The Secret Recipe for a Perfect Organization......revealed

“We celebrate our ability to create machines that move as man, yet we take for granted the miracle that is the human body.”  - David Alejandro Fearnhead

Learnings from Human Body for Success & Harmony in Business

Organisations are made of human beings. It is the human resource that builds and grows a business. Yet most organisations do not get inspired from human body and its functions and implement it. A human body is a divine work of art and science with well-defined automation, workflow rules, schedules, and actions.  It has assignment rules and case escalation rules based on specific criteria. Nothing is uncoordinated when it comes to the structure and functions of our bodies. Each body part is well-connected with well-defined functions, and that's how our businesses should operate i.e. with clockwork precision in all environments and circumstances. 

For example - The eyes are for seeing and displaying non-verbal emotions. It does nothing else. Similarly, the hands operate as per the instructions of cerebrospine, for the body and mind. It has no automatic functioning and no role in, say, digestion.


However, when we look at organisations, we see a mismatch in how they work and how the body works. Very often, you will see that one department’s responsibilities overlap with that of the other. As the company grows, so does the complexity. And the result is- absence of free flow of information. With too much micromanagement, the structure of an organisation does not emulate that of the human body. How, then, can human beings be happy in such a place? How, then, can an organisation grow?


The Human Body and learnings for organisations


A healthy human body structure and its functions are perfectly harmonious, logical, well organized and zero duplicity or overlapped roles. In other words, it's a no-nonsense model of how everything should be organised. A disease-free human body has no bottlenecks. Each organ, each cell of the body collaborates with each other smoothly. And yet, each part of the body has its well-defined roles and responsibilities. The role of one body part is not interrupted by the role of another. Yes, the cerebrospinal system governs all the body parts. But instead of getting in the way of all these organs, the brain and spine facilitate the independent functioning of organs.

The Brain = The CEO

As we said earlier, although the body parts work independently, they are all governed by the human brain. The brain is connected to all parts of the body through millions of nerves- the main knees travelling through the spinal cord. All the information that the body collects is sent to the brain. Based on that information, the brain decides what action to take.
The brain has three main divisions-

     Cerebrum - It is the cerebrum that is responsible for movement, judgement, problem solving, vision, emotion and learning. In a company setting, all these responsibilities fall on the shoulder of the CEO who has to be the decision maker, the primary problem solver and ofcourse, the visionary.


     Cerebral Cortex - Interestingly, the cerebral cortex resembles the board members of a company. It “covers” the cerebrum just like the board members have influence over the CEO so that the CEO is not left alone and can make the best decision. In fact, the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are connected by a C-shaped structure resembling the whole C-suite structure of a company.

The Role of Hands and Legs = The Operations Team

It is through our hands and legs that we do things- as instructed by the brain. No matter how awesome an idea we have, without the action, the idea never comes to life. The whole body (and even the world around you) gets affected by what you do with your hands and legs.
The operations department of any company works exactly like the hands and legs. Although the hands and legs are governed by the mind or brain, they have their responsibilities defined. From logistics to finding food, from creating new equipment to executing any task that the brain has ordered - it’s the hands and legs that perform the operations. Same is the case for the operations team in an office. The operations team execute the decisions made by the CEO and board members.

The Five senses - Ears, skin, eyes, tongue, and nose = Marketing & Communications Spokesperson

Our eyes and ears help us to gather information about the outside world. While walking on the road, when we listen to the horn of a vehicle, we realise that a car or a bus is behind us . This helps us remain safe on the road. Similarly, if we are in a jungle and our eyes see that a wild animal is coming towards us, our brain takes the decision of returning back to protect ourselves. 

The mouth helps us express our thoughts. It connects us with the people around us. What we say through our mind plays a significant role in building our image. In fact, our very success depends on what we say and how we say it. For example, no matter how intelligent you are, the way your mouth answers the questions asked by the interviewer will decide whether you’ll be selected or not. Ofcourse, the mouth is governed by the brain. It is the brain that controls the mouth.

The Skin = The HR Department

Our skin is the sensory organ that helps us sense- not just literally but figuratively as well. When you touch somebody, that ‘touch’ can have two separate meanings- one is the literal one and other is to touch the person emotionally. Along with that, our skin helps us keep our body safe by ensuring we understand what is unsafe (fire) and what is safe (mother’s lap). In short, our skin ensures that we keep on doing what we are meant to do without any accident or obstruction.

The HR department of a company works similarly. It helps the employees keep in touch with the company and ensures that the employees work safely (for example: making it mandatory to wear helmets while operating heavy machineries).


The Stomach = The Finance Department

Every human being needs food to survive. It is the stomach that processes the food and sends the nutrients (via blood) to every part of the body. Without these essential nutrients, not a single part of the body can function- not even the brain. Money is the food for any company. It gives the energy to carry on reaching the milestones. If you eat the wrong kind of food, you’ll get stuck. Even if an organisation is earning a decent amount of money every month, if the money-management is not done efficiently, the organisation can’t function properly. It is therefore necessary for the company to have a solid finance department that can holistically take care of the financial matters.

The Liver and Pancreas = The Quality Testers

The function of the liver is to break down the blood and create usable nutrients from it. The pancreas do the same - but with food. The Quality Analyst team in a company has a similar function. It breaks down the app, product, examines it carefully to find out bugs and errors and then sends the examined products to the production department after weeding out the inconsistencies.

The Kidneys and Intestines = The Janitorial Service

For a human body to function properly it needs to excrete the unwanted materials out of the body. We have Kidneys, Large and Small Intestines for that. The Kidneys purify the body by removing excess liquid wastes like sodium, acids, calcium etc. The small and large intestine (after absorbing usable material from the food) remove the excess food in the form of stool. In short these three provide the janitorial services for our bodies. In an office too, the employees can’t focus on their work if the place is not suitable for working. It’s particularly poignant during these pandemic times. A well sanitised office will not only keep the minds of the employees fresh but it will also help them avoid sickness.

Let’s Now Talk About The Heart

After the human brain, the most important part of a human body is the heart. The heart orchestrates the blood flow. It filters impure blood and pumps pure blood to all parts of the body- including the brain. The nutrients are dissolved in the bloodstream and are transported by blood to other parts of the body. And all this transportation work is carried out by the nerves and veins.


Can you see that the human body has no middleman? The heart, blood and the nerves help the organs stay in direct contact with the brain. This ensures that information to and from the brain passes through without any obstruction. The human body hates general managers!


Current Business Structures and Their Flaws


As you know, there are many types of traditional organisational structures from hierarchical to horizontal and divisional. All these traditional company structures did their job in the past well- no doubt about it. However in today’s world, these structures seem a little bit dated. Here ae the specific drawbacks of these traditional structures-


     In a hierarchical structure, the company suffers from increased bureaucracy resulting in lack of communication between the employees and the higher level decision makers. This in turn, creates a siloed atmosphere where employees work to fulfil the goals of the department instead of the overall company.

It’s like a body where organs have to spend a painfully long amount of time to connect with the brain and get instructions.

     The horizontal structure is exactly the opposite of the hierarchical structure. Yet it, too, has its own drawbacks. For example, although the employees are given enough independence, sometimes the lack of a supervisor can make them confused as far as the roadmap is concerned. This structure is not compatible once the company scales up.

It’s like a human body where the hands and legs work without the supervision of the brain resulting in chaos.

     In a divisional structure, the company is divided into independent divisions based on product, market or geographical location. The problem is, this kind of structure results in terrible miscommunication between the HQ and the divisions.

It’s like a body having multiple brains resulting in a conflict of interests.

     In a matrix-like structure where the employees of a department can be temporarily delegated specific project completion by project managers, there is a high chance of discontent between project managers and the department from which employees are temporarily selected.

     And then, of course, we have a more modern- Scrum like structure where the office forms teams to complete projects. While this solves many problems that traditional structures deal with, this structure undermines the independence of individual employees and can lead to less individual sincerity.


Inspirations from Human Body Structure

 As you can see, companies across the world are reeling with organisational inefficiencies because of the flaws in their structure. The need of the hour is introspection.

 Have you ever wondered why human body parts are called orgams? The word ‘organ’ comes from the Greek word ‘orgnanon’ which means  ‘tool.’ The implication, here, is that the human body parts are perfect tools created by God or nature. In an organisation all the departments or teams are nothing but tools that help the organisation fulfil its mission. It is therefore necessary to structure organisations just like our organs are structured. The human body is an organisation that has stood the test of time. We are still here because of our body and mind.


How then should we structure organisations so that they don’t suffer from any inefficiency?

     There should be minimal bottlenecks when it comes to information-flow. The brain- the CEO must be able to connect with all the organs effortlessly.

     Just like each of the body parts have a defined responsibility, the team or the departments in an office must have defined roles so that there is a level of excellence present in the work of the teams. The work should not be generic.
     The human body parts do not need to connect with the brain via any other organ. With the help of nerves and blood, they can communicate with the brain directly. Organisations too should do away with the traditional tendency of micromanaging everything through managers. The employees should be able to directly connect with the C-suite executives.
     There should be a collaborative atmosphere in the organisation, not a competitive one.
     Above all the goals of the employees, project managers and departments should be aligned with the mission and vision of the company.


A Holistic Healing Approach Is Necessary To Address The Inefficiencies of Today’s Organisation


Today’s organisations are extremely promising, no doubt about it. With such a skilled workforce and advanced technologies, the organisations can do wonders. The only thing that’s dragging them back is the outdated way of structuring the businesses.


We often think that holistic healing, or Pranic Healing as we call it, is valid only for the human body. However, at the very basic level, all things in the universe are constituted of the same things- atoms, molecules and cells. There is a basic all-pervasive rule that governs all the disparate elements in the universe- celestial bodies, humans, animals, and even life-less stones, metals, and liquids. At the basic level we are all the same.


When a human body is ailing, at the very basic level, it means that the body is not in its ideal state. This ideal state is what we call the balance of energy. In an ideal state the energy centres or the chakras in our body keep our Pranic energy balanced. For a scientifically inclined mind, this might be hard to digest. In science, these chakras are considered as electromagnetic radiation that a human body radiates at 12 microns. The health of the body depends heavily on the proper functioning of this radiation.

The same theory is true even in the case of the health of an organisation. Just like the human body has seven energy centres or chakras, organisations also have their energy centres. It is necessary to keep these chakras unblocked for a business to thrive, to connect with human beings in a meaningful way and generate revenue ethically.

Since, unlike a human being, the business can’t ‘sense’ this imbalance, you, as a business owner, need to have a sharp focus on the inefficiencies that are harming your business. These inefficiencies are the results of the imbalance in the energy centre.

The good news is, with Pranic healing you can transform these negative energies into positive one. [1] Just by correcting these imbalances, you help your business open up its energy centres. The idea is to help your organisation vibrate at a certain frequency that ensures its optimum functionality. Why is it that some companies, despite having all the wealth of the world, struggle to continue their business while other companies, smaller than them, thrive even with limited monetary and human resources? It’s because of this energy anomaly resulting in harmful vibrations. Pranic healing restores positive energy and helps a company vibe at the most conductive level.

we can expel negative energies and dispose off, but we cannot transform them to positive.

Authored by the human body mapping consultant - Rajesh Kishanpuriya.

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