- Identify Careers that brings the best in you

3) Unlocking Your Potential: A 5-Star Framework for Discovering Successful Careers

Do you remember the 2009 movie 3 idiots by Rajkumar Hirani?
The movie conveyed a single message -

Follow your passion, do not run behind success.
Be competent, and success will follow you.

Or in other words - Choose the careers that bring the best in you. Now the million dollar question is How do you know what is your #PASSION and #PURPOSE of Life?

Very few people get to know their passion early in their student life. Most people are either too overwhelmed with worry to win the daily bread and butter, and get stuck in Average Attitude Approach (AAA) in life. Hence their passion revolves around being able to lead an average life and being able to support the family needs. They follow their family footsteps i.e. joining family business or profession are not bothered to find their passion in their daily hustle and hurry world. The education system also doesn't help in finding the hidden potential of students.

Parents should encourage their children to play with all kinds of toys and read all types of books* which could represent lead to identifying their inherent skills. For example - an outdoor game like roller skates, swimming, badminton, cricket or football can reveal the childs' ability to coordinate with other friends and skill of being socially adaptable. (from one person sport, to two person to coordinating with a team of eleven). The toy which the kid most enjoys is a subtle hint of probable careers he / she may likely to choose.
*we do not mean kids allowed to read adult books while being below 18 

Team Guruspeak is here to help. We can scan the chakras to identify the hidden skills and competencies within you. The seven ray scan classifies your positive and negative qualities & competencies in the following categories.

Ray 1 - Manage by Will, Focus, Driving Force, Courage, Competitive
Ray 2 - Education, Healing, Religious Oriented, Spirituality, Dividends for stockholders, Extra benefits for employees, Donation to charities, Adoption of environment friendly policies and technology, Management by consensus, Concern for people as human beings, Compassion and tolerance
Ray 3 - Directing Intelligence Management: Profit, Income and expenses
Ray 4 - Harmonizing Conflicting Factors
Ray 5 - Concrete Intelligence, Technology, Daily operations
Ray 6 - Devotion, Morale, Emotional Commitment
Ray 7 - Structure : Functions & Organization, Standard Operating Procedure, Standard Reporting Forms, Standard Communicating Procedure

Always remember, the power of positive qualities will always get subdued by negative qualities in a person. Hence to have a successful career, you need to get rid of negative emotions like being fearful, stubborn, anger, egoist, restless, impatient, obsessive, addictive, perfectionist, vindictive, cruel, ruthless etc.  (if any)
How to get my career report? 
  1. Contact us at 9830669066 or email .
  2. We will email you the registration form, you fill up the registration form which asks you share your five best career options you have thought for yourself. 
  3. Make the fees* payment online.
  4. We will share a suitable date and time when we will conduct a psychometric test and also scan your energy centres / chakras. 
  5. We generate a report within 3-4 working days which will tell you whether any of these will make you shine or not.
  6. Which should be your most preferred career option is a descending order.
  7. And we will also tell you what changes do you need to make in your habits and lifestyle to succeed in your dream career. (Suitable for all age groups - 16 to 50 years)

*Fee details are on this Blog Post - Careers & Competencies - Welcome to Guruspeak India

Finding it interesting? You can learn these scanning techniques in Spiritual Business Management Course and can do your own self analysis. Please contact your GMCKS regional centre for learning these scanning skills.

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