Chakral scan or Energy centre scan is a form of mental diagnosis to identify the imbalances in the chakras, which are root cause of all the health issues.
It refers to identify the imbalances within the energy centres or chakras located on a persons' spinal cord and cerebrum. Only certified healers can do it by mentally concentrating on the seven energy centres or CHAKRAS on the three levels, i.e. physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Energy Healing is a process of transferring the positive life force or positive vibrations from the healer to patient by way of mind power and positive thinking about the patient. This involves sending and receiving mental vibrations and vibrations of life energy.
By the power of will and positive affirmations, advanced healers and practitioners can consciously transfer strong healing vibrations and positive energy through the ether. These healings are not dependent on the physical location of the patient, and the patient gets cured by the vibrations of that healing power.
For faster healing results following are the three rules: -
A cure is faster when the patient or the recipient has faith and belief in this ancient healing method.
You should share all related information with your health details, have not hidden any material fact.
You have consciously accepted to be healed, and are in-tune with your Guruspeak Healer.
Healing starts after the energy scans are done, and there are three areas where Healing can be offered i.e.
Please check out this video for guidelines -
About the Author - Rajesh Kishanpuriya is an experienced energy healer and founder of
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