Melanoma of Skin |

Melanoma of Skin

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops when melanocytes (the cells that give the skin its tan or brown colour) start to grow out of control. Statistic says, Melanoma of skin is the highest growing among all the cancers in men in US. It is more dangerous than other kinds of skin cancers as it is very likely to spread in the other areas of the body.

Melanoma develops in the skin cells called Melanocyte – that are responsible of producing Melanin, our skin pigments. An uncontrollable growth happens in melanocyte that leads to melanoma.

Though doctors are not completely sure why certain people have melanoma, but it is assumed that a prolonged period of exposure to the sunlight is one of the major reasons. Usually, body parts that are more exposed to the sun, are very likely to develop melanoma.

There's been a huge jump of cases of this cancer among both, male and female. According to Statista, the cases between 2009 and 2021 has increased about 59.31% in men and 47.94% in women, in the USA.

The initial occurrence of melanoma is like a mole. But if anyone watches it closely it may look different than normal moles. Moles due to melanoma usually are – asymmetrical shaped, have irregular border, have many colours or uneven distribution of colours, have large diameter and they evolve as time passes.
Source: Mayo Clinic

As exposure to the sunlight is not the only reason of melanoma, it can occur in many body parts that are hidden, like- under the nail, urinary tract or vagina and in the eye.




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