Why is Menopause such a emotional issue?

Menopause can cause emotional imbalance

Menopause is the time that marks the end of Womens' menstruation, and it's a natural process. Menopause happens in the age group of 40s - 50s of women.

It can be diagnosed after the suspension of Menstrual periods for 12 months. Although menopause is not a disease, but approximately 80 percent of women indicate that menopause interferes with their lives, and one-third of these women also experience depression. Furthermore, with an estimated $810 billion in healthcare spending and productivity losses, menopause places a significant economic burden on the global economy.

Around 4 per cent of Indian women experience signs of menopause between 29 and 34 years of age and the figure goes up to 8 per cent in the case of women between 35 and 39 years. Others reach between 45 to 55, that is around the mean of 51 years.


Irritation, feeling sad, anxiety, aggressiveness, lack of concentration, lack of motivation, and mood change are some emotional symptoms of menopause problem along with the following physical symptoms.

  •  Fear of aging and no longer being wanted. 

  • Self-rejection and not feeling good enough.

  • Irregular periods

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Mood swings 

  • Sleep problems

  • Slowed metabolism

  • Weight gain

  • Thinning hair

  • Dry skin


  • Heath problems

  • Aging

  • Decrease in estrogen level

  • Heart attacks

  • Stroke

  • Osteoporosis


  • Hot flashes

  • Sweats at night or cold flashes

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Decrease in Sleep quality

  • Stress

  • Change in skin type to dry

General Suggestions and commonly accepted treatments

  • Vaginal dryness can be treated by lubricant oil. Doing a hip and pelvic exercise like hip rotation - clockwise and anticlockwise,

  • Cycling, Yoga, aerobic exercise, and breathing exercise can reduce irritability for hot flashes in women. This gives relaxation and leads to better sleep.

  • Have natural cool drinks like coconut water, orange juice etc, which will make you comfortable and cooler. Avoid cola, soda, caffeine and alcohol as they are diuretics, they lead to dehydration.

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