Muscle Cramp - Causes and Prevention |

Muscle Cramp

A muscle cramp is sudden and involuntary contraction in your muscle. It generally occurs in the leg muscles, especially in the calf, but it can occur in any commonly used muscles like in the back, shoulder, hands etc. Although muscle cramps are usually harmless, but it can cause severe pain for quite a long and makes the muscle impossible to use. It happens due to:

  1. Dehydration: When the muscles don’t get enough water it starts contraction.

  2. Insufficient Blood Supply: When the arteries that delivers blood get narrow, it causes muscle cramps.

  3. Depletion of electrolytes: Muscles in our body need sufficient amount of minerals and salts. When the electrolyte balance gets disturbed, it causes muscle cramps.

  4. Stress plays a vital role in involuntary muscle contractions.

  5. Too much exercise, especially in the heat makes muscle tired. It often causes muscle cramps.

Source: Manhattan Medical Arts

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