The importance of Panchagavya

Panchagavya and its Benefits

'Pancha' is a Sanskrit word which means 'Five' and 'Gavya' means 'that which comes from cow (Gau)' Thus, Panchagavya refers to a blend of five products that we get from holy cow- milk, curd, ghee (clarified butter), cow urine and cow dung. The ancient Ayurvedic texts such as Vir Charak Samhita, Gad Nigrah Bhel Sanhita, Kashyap Sanhita, Charak Sanhita, Sushrut Sanhita, Ras Tantra Saar and Yog Ratnakar Granth of India have given utmost importance to it due to the excellent benefits of Panchagavya.

Benefits of Panchagavya

The Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioners prescribe Panchgavya as the panacea for all diseases be it physiological or psychological. Panchgavya therapy, now popularly known as Cowpathy is not only popular in India but also in other countries of the world. In New York City alone, there are more than 1,200 outlets that sell products made of Panchgavya. Doctors in Boston use Panchagavya to cure various critical diseases. If we talk about individual benefits of each of the ingredients of Panchagavya, they can be understood as below.

Cow Milk

A2 Cow milk is a highly nutritive wholesome food. It is easy to digest and nourishes all the body parts and tissues. Cow milk is also beneficial in promoting a balanced emotional state. Ayurveda believes it to be one of the most important foods that promotes Ojas (the force of life). The milk of Indian Cow is the best as it is categorized as A2 Milk. This quality of milk contains Beta Casein Protein which strengthens the digestion as well as neurology of our body. The A1 Milk obtained from Jersey Cows, on the other hand, has an opiate called betacasomorphine which leads to conditions like autism, schizophrenia etc.

A2 Cow milk from an Indian cow breed can cure such diseases as psychosomatic disorders, constipation, anaemia, piles, diarrhoea, ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases.

Cow Ghee

After having seen bad days when doctors used to advise patients not to have ghee, it has now come to acquire its lost dignity once again after the world saw an epidemic rise in lifestyle diseases due to the consumption of refined oils and other harmful fats. Cow ghee (from A2 Milk) is the best form of fat that a human body requires for its nutritive fulfilment. Now even medical fraternity including nutritionists and dieticians are recognizing the beneficial effects of cow ghee as a diet for heart patients who suffer from bad cholesterol in their blood.

Regular consumption of cow ghee enhances physical as well as mental strength and keeps the body healthy. It also cleans the impurities from the body and improves eyesight, tendons and muscles strength along with making bones stronger and healthier. Cow ghee cures fever, constipation, anorexia, skin disorders, epilepsy, dementia, ophthalmic diseases, tuberculosis, etc.

Cow Urine

Cow Urine has today come to obtain a special place in the world of alternative medicine therapy. It has obtained US patents and is now globally acknowledged to be capable of curing more than 3,000 diseases including cancer. The list of diseases cured by cow urine is a long one that includes such diseases as skin disorders, leucoderma, gastrointestinal diseases, piles, asthma, anaemia, jaundice and urinary tract infection, diabetes, blood pressure, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, itching, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, prostrate issues, arthritis, migraine, thyroid issues, ulcer, acidity, constipation, eosinophilia, cough,  phlegm, varicose veins, gynaecological issues and ear and nose problems among others.

It is advisable to consume cow urine in small quantities i.e. 10 ml twice a day with honey and warm water. 

Cow Curd

Curd is derived from cow milk and is as effective as milk. In fact, some texts have given curd a special place due to its fine therapeutic value in many diseases. Having curd regularly can improve the gut by balancing the friendly intestinal bacteria that help in good digestion. Indian scientists have found that curd made of milk from a pure Indian cow breed is very beneficial as it contains several useful bacterial species that can fight Aflatoxin B1 which causes stomach aches. It is a boon for patients suffering from diarrhoea and dysentery. Curd rice is the best traditional food that Indians eat since ages to fight off diseases caused by indigestion. Curd also  prevents premature aging. Curd is also widely used to treat chronic specific and non-specific colitis. It also cures fever, oedema, blood disorders, piles, rhinitis, anorexia, jaundice.

Cow Dung

Even cow dung is super effective for therapeutic usage as it is an excellent antiseptic agent. It has exceptionally good anti-bacterial and fungicidal action. Cow dung is thus used to make a traditional skin ointment by mixing thoroughly with water to be used in serious skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and gangrene. The dung is usually dried for over a week and then blended at a very high temperature to kill all harmful bacteria and germs. The final product which is dung powder, is then mixed with various ingredients to make the medicines and toiletries.

Cow dung is also an effective disinfectant for floors and walls that even protects from radioactive rays and for this reason only the huts in rural areas of India have been using cow dung since ages to treat not only their floors but also the walls. Cow dung is also an excellent Bio Fertilizer. When talking about its medicinal qualities, cow dung can cure cough, asthma, and arthritis apart from skin diseases.

Panchagavya Medicine

Panchagavya as a medicine is consumed as Panchagavyam ghrita where ghee is the base and all the other four components are blended in right proportions. When all the five components of Panchagavya are taken together, it is called Panchagavya therapy or cowpathy. It is highly beneficial in diseases such as epilepsy, inflammatory diseases, fever, cough and jaundice.

Not only Panchagavya has excellent medicinal value, it is also used to safeguard plants and soil microorganisms to boost agricultural production without succumbing to  harmful effects of chemical sprays.
