Cancer and their types
Lymphoma is a broad term for cancers growing on lymphatic system. Lymphatic system is responsible for our immunity and germ fighting abilities. It includes – lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland and bone marrow. Lymphoma can attack all these areas as ...
Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid is butterfly shaped gland located in front side of our throat, just below the Adams apple. This gland produces hormones that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight. Cancer occurred in thyroid cells is called thyroid ...
Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreas is an organ that sits behind the stomach. It releases different enzymes that help us to digest the food. There are few types of pancreatic cancer. But the most common one adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, starts when exocrine cells in the ...
White blood cells are one of the key components of blood. It fights with the infections and germs in the blood. People with blood cancer or Leukemia produce an excessive amount of these white blood cells, leading severe imbalances inside the body. ...
Oral Cavity or Pharynx Cancer
Mouth cancer or oral cavity cancer is formed when cancerous cells occur in oral cavity. It can develop in lips, gum, tongue, inner lining of cheeks, ceiling of the mouth or floor of the mouth. Courtesy: Mayo Clinic Courtesy: Mayo Clinic In early ...
Kidney Cancer
Kidneys are two bean shaped organs residing behind abdominal organs. Kidneys’ main job is to remove excess water, salt and other waste and produce urine. When a cancer develops in kidney or renal pelvis, we call it kidney cancer. There are different ...
Lung Cancer
Lung is basically two sponge-like organs in our chest that inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide in the air. Lung cancer is when the cell growth in the lungs becomes uncontrollable. People who smoke has the greater chance of developing lung ...
Colon Cancer
The large intestine or colon is the last part of our digestive tract. Colon cancer or Colorectal cancer is a cancer that develops in that region. It generally happens to older adults, but one can develop colon cancer at any age. Colon cancer ...
Urinary Bladder Cancer
Bladder Cancer: Bladder, also called as urinary bladder is a balloon shaped organ in the lower pelvis region. The primary work of bladder is to store urine. Due to various reasons one can develop bladder cancer. This type of cancer has become very ...
Melanoma of Skin
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops when melanocytes (the cells that give the skin its tan or brown colour) start to grow out of control. Statistic says, Melanoma of skin is the highest growing among all the cancers in men in US. It is ...
Muscle Cramp
A muscle cramp is sudden and involuntary contraction in your muscle. It generally occurs in the leg muscles, especially in the calf, but it can occur in any commonly used muscles like in the back, shoulder, hands etc. Although muscle cramps are ...
About Cancer, Causes & Symptoms
Medical definition - Cancer is a disease when cells start producing abnormal cells at an uncontrollable rate. Slowly those cells grow into one or multiple lumps inside the body and destroy the normal body cells. Cancer has the ability to spread to ...
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